Salento and Puglia life

Salento, the extreme strip of Apulia and Italy, is the land to discover and experience.
Limpid sea, fine-sand beaches and rigid cliffs. Old town centres made of thousands of white houses. Thousands of centuries-old olive trees and vineyards, marked by ancient dry stone walls. Welcoming sun, great food, events, festivals, pizzica dance, baroque, nightlife, fun...

Ostuni is the entrance door to this extraordinary land where the travel becomes infinite...
... from the wonderful Parks, Natural Reserves and Marine Oases to the tracks of ancient civilisations of the Archaeological Sites and Parks

  • Parco Naturale Regionale Dune costiere da Torre Canne a Torre San Leonardo
  • Area Marina Protetta Torre Guaceto
  • Riserva Statale Oasi WWF Le Cesine
  • Museo di Civiltà Preclassiche della Murgia Meridionale - Ostuni
  • Museo Nazionale e Parco Archeologico di Egnazia "Giuseppe Andreassi"
  • Museo Archeologico Provinciale - Brindisi
  • Parco Archeologico di Brinsisi
  • Dolmen di maontalbano
... from the authentic beauty of the Old Towns to the charm of Masserie, Trulli and dry stone walls...
  • Ostuni, Cisternino, Monopoli, Polignano a mare, Otranto, Castellana Grotte, Locorotondo, Alberobello, Martina Franca, Bari, Lecce, Gallipoli....
  • Masserie Spagnulo, Carestia, San Biagio.... di Ostuni; Salamina di Pezze di Greco; Ottava Piccola di Montalbano; Seppannibale Grande di Fasano; San Domenico di Savelletri;Torricella di Francavilla Fontana, 
  • Trulli della Valle d'Itria ed Alberobello
....from the austerity of Romanesque Cathedrals and preciousness of Baroque Churches to the strength of Frederick's Castles and Aragonese and Angevin Towers scattered along the coast...
  • Cattedrali di Ostuni, Brindisi, Otranto, Lecce, Nardò...
  • Santuari di San Biagio, Santa Maria della Nova,  Sant'Oronzo ad Ostuni; di Santa Maria di Pozzo Faceto a Fasano; di Maria SS. della Croce a Francavilla Fontana...
  • Castelli di Brindisi, di Carovigno, di Ceglie Messapica, di Cellino San Marco, di Mesagne, Castello Imperiale di Francavilla Fontana, di Villanova a Ostuni, Castello arcivescovile di San Pancrazio Salentino, Castello Dentice di Frasso di San Vito Dei Normanni, di Latiano...
  • the Towers of San Leonardo of Pilone di Marina in Ostuni; Rossa, Torre Testa and Cavallo in Brindisi; Santa Sabina and Guaceto in Carovigno; Circolare and Quadrata in Cisternino....

... from the delicacies of Tasty Mediterranean Cuisine and Local Specialties to Slow Food Foundations...

... from the dissipation of the Patron Saint's Days and the Festivals with their dazzling illuminations to the solemnity of the Holly Week Rituals and processions

  • Patron Saint's days and religious holidays
  • Sagre:
  • Presepi viventi
  • Eventi vari
  • Riti della Settimana Santa
  • Antiques market
  • Concerti
  • Concerti di pizzica e tarantella durante tutte le feste religiose e le sagre...
Finally, you can easily reach from Ostuni other most important tourist attractions: Matera and its "Sassi" (UNESCO Heritage), the Capitanata region with the Castel del Monte, Monte Sant'Angelo and Gargano, Trani and its Cathedral, Putignano with its most ancient Carnival in Italy, the Caves of Castellana Grotte, Zoo Safari in Fasano, Bari with its Saint Nicholas Basilica, Petruzzelli Theatre and Norman-Swabian Castle and Lecce with its Cathedral and Roman amphitheatre.

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Ostuni Brindisi Puglia
